Scripture Reading - Hebrews 6:10

For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister. KJV

This verse of scripture includes a few profound ideals. We first notice that God is not unrighteous to forget about you or what you are doing toward His Name. Therefore according to the Holy Word of God to forget about the good deeds someone has performed toward you is unrighteous (not right). So we can conclude that those who forget about the various things you have done for them are not following God’s Perfect Will for their life. We see that the perfect will of God is being in remembrance of the positive things people have done for you. So when Believers disregard the acts of kindness you have shown toward other Christians (and other people as a whole) they are not acting like God. The nature of man is to be ungodly and forget because it takes no effort to forget. However, we have the Spirit of God dwelling in us to bring to remembrance the good deeds of others displayed on our behalf.-Refer to John 14:26 This is the primary reason we must remember to say thank you to all those various people who helped us along the way. Saying “thank-you” is one way to remember them and acknowledge that God is always sending help our way. The verse goes on to say that we also show forth God’s “labor of love” along with our good works. Know that “your work” is your physical presence (your body) on the scene doing the actual good deed in the natural but your “labor of love” is spiritual, it comes from the heart. The “labor of love” is the heart of every believer that performs the good deed simply because they love God and people. Yes, you must love both God and man. Simply put if you don’t love others, you don’t love God because His Love is not dominating your heart which influences your actions. It is not enough to only love the faithful sweet saints but we must love everyone just like our Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ. As Christians God’s unselfish love is the substance we’re made of. We do this “labor of love” unto the Lord, expecting nothing from man, because we know our reward is in Christ. This is what it means to show this Christ like behavior unto His Holy Name. This is exactly how we minister to God’s Children (the saints) and will continue to minister to everyone upon this earth. God’s love is inside of you, letting His love flow out to others is our “labor of love”. Be encouraged that God remembers everything you do! Please understand that it takes both your work (your hands of help) and God’s sweet Spirit of love coming together to effectively minister the message of Jesus Christ. Amen!